Pride and joy right now. They're my Lime Tuxedo Mitts made out of Dragon Feet (Lemon and Miss Lime) and Lizard toes (PenGwen) both from Eric at Cables and Lace. It's Eunny Jang's Endpaper Mitts pattern, and although The detail of the colorwork gets lost because of the striping, it still makes for an amazinf mitt, and warm too. I'm about a third of the way done the thumb gusset right now (so much farther than this picture). I love them.
Also with no pictures, I've cast on for another boobholder, but this one will be in black Cascade 220. I love my green one to death, but find that I don't have many shirts I can wear with it due to the green clashing with just about everything in my closet. I'm pretty stoked to have a new knitted garment to wear.
As to non knitting news, I went on a pubcrawl on Friday night. I was expecting to not know many people, and to kinda feel like an outsider, but it was really awesome. I also met an amazing guy who I hung out with most of the night (after singing The Night Pat Murphy Died with him of course). We went to see Batman last night too. It was amazing. Absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see him again. :)
-cheers and happy knitting!