Thursday, December 13, 2007

stand up and go squeeee

so. totally into Lime and Violet podcast, if you havent checked it out, I totally recomend you do so. limenviolet and it came out on the message boards that I was an audio engineer. and Miss Violet contacted me and proposed a job offer. Pretty much I am now editing the podcast. I'm super excited, cause this is stuff other than the repetitive stuff we do at school. and this actually melds two of my loves together: knitting and audio engineering. I'm still catching up on the back episodes, but I'm mentioned in episode 49.5....SQUEEEE

AND I died my hair today, AND I'm almost done my christmas shopping/knitting. Dark purple hair, knitting, editing podcasts, ski season soon.

Come with me people. Stand up, clear arm room all around you, and repeat after me. SSSSSSSSSSSSSQQQQQQQQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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