Friday, May 30, 2008

Not-So-Pretty-Knitting... Yet.

I'm on the mend. Apparently not getting sick at all in High School let my immune system take a hike and now when I get sick it nearly kills me. And it takes it's sweet time doing so. But I'm getting better, and now it's just a lingering cough. But this morning I did wake up with no hearing out of my left ear... It came back in the middle of taking a shower though, just like someone flicked a switch. Talk about a weird feeling.

Knitting News! I've been working on the Adamas Shawl, and I'm up to like 4 feet across at the shoulders. I'm making good time, and I've almost run out of one skein of yarn. I'll try to make it to about 6 feet across, I think it should be a good size then. It's not blocked yet, obviously, and there isn't enough cable on the knitting needle to show it off really well, so no pictures. I'm also working on a couple other random things. I'm doing a throw pillow with the cassette tape from the DJ Bag in Son's of Stitch 'N Bitch. I'm working it out of the Cascade 109 tweed that I had used to try to make the first sweater, and the Buttony sweater, and I had made a toque out of. I love how soft it feels when knit up on the 5mm needles. I'm also still (slowly, very slowly) working on the Sweater of Doom. No real progress on that. And as of tonight, I have cast on an adapted version of Cargo from Knitty. I'm working them up at an XS size because Benjamin (my cousin) is still tiny, even though he's seven weeks old. Basically, he's still wearing newborn diapers and only barely fits into clothing other than onsies and diaper shirts.

That's pretty much it for news. Oh, I sent out my first ever swap package today! It now has to make the long trip to Washington State. I hope it gets there in good time. I had thought that my life was a bit more interesting than that, but apparently not. Well, then theres the Fort Mc Murray story, but that isn't quite ready for blog posting yet. Drop me a line if you're interested, because it is quite interesting, and I'm in need of input.

-Cheers and happy crafting!

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