Friday, December 26, 2008

WTFrak? Finished Object?

Oh yes, you had better believe it, A finished object. It took about a day to finish which I thought was just awesome. I would make more, but I don't know if anyone else would wear one.

It's Thorpe by Kristen Kapur. I used the Cascade 109 Tweed LE that I had left from my first sweater attempt in Charcoal and Fuchsia. I already love the thing even though I have yet to wear it outside my bedroom. The stranding of the yarns totally makes it warmer, and it's wool, and it's made out of bulky yarn.

Now all it needs to do is snow and I will be very very happy.

I got a few magazines for Christmas, knitting magazines (go figure eh? It's not like I'm into knitting or anything :P). There's one pattern that has struck me as awesome and I really want to make them all.
(Image from the Knit.1 website)
I want to make all of those little guys, the only thing is, I have no idea what I would do with them all. Not so much a functionality question, it's more of the "I have no room for anything else in my room" kind of question. Dad and I added another shelf to my wall a couple months ago, but still I have no room for anything else unless I add yet another shelf. Oh well, maybe I'll just make them and then figure out what to do with them later.

I hope everyone is having a good holiday season.

-Cheers and happy knitting!

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