Sunday, April 12, 2009

102. Progress

April 12

I’ve been making quite good progress on my Noro sock. I think though that I’ll keep going in plain stockinette for longer than they did in the pattern. There isn’t much negative ease yet on my calf, so I can keep going. I did one set of increases, but I’ll keep it at that for a while. I’m about 4 inches above the heel, only 12 left to go! woooo.

Now, are you ready for a picture tour of one of my Chocolate Bunny Day Dinners? You better be.

Easter at William St (7) That’s my 4 year old cousin, she’s adorable! I was in the kitchen, just walking out to the dining room, and she ran up to me with her basket of painted eggs.

Easter at William St (5)

We had a ham, it was so juicy, and the rind was just crispy enough to still be my favourite part.

Easter at William St (43)

Easter at William St (52) Easter at William St (22)

Just like usual, we all sat at the dining room table for far too long, eating too much food, laughing too much, and telling far too many stories. Everyone was laughing, smiling, and joining in on the fun. I love family dinners.

-Cheers folks!

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