Monday, July 6, 2009

187. I work at Geek Camp

July 6

MY summer job is quite literally at Geek Camp. We’re doing Flash Animation, Clamation, Stopmotion, Robotics, Game Design and more. It’s the most amazing job. I get to work with kids, and work in my industry. How could it be any better? Oh right, I could have some amazing co-workers. Which I do. Today was the first day with the kids, and it went great. Tomorrow should be even better. I’m excited. I’m also noticing how light my hair looks. I need to re-dye it, but I don’t want to do it here in our white bathroom or out white shower room. That would not be good. Oh well. Looks like I’m saving money and going blonde again. *sigh*

-Cheers folks!

1 comment:

Gifted Typist said...

cool! my son is doing Flash camp August 4th. Then he's going to come home and teach me Flash