Tuesday, August 25, 2009

237. My Knit Night

Aug 25

Tonight was the Ottawa East End knit night. It’s my second one, and I really love the people. I decided to bring my Pi shawl because it’s straight knitting. Knitting for ever, and ever, and ever… It just goes on and on. But that’s okay because it makes for great movie knitting, or knit night knitting. The only other thing really on my needles at the moment is my Laminaria shawl, and it is way too finicky to be worked on at knit night. I do have my last Lizard Ridge block though, I should finish that up so I can block everything and get it all seamed together. Then I just need to figure out something for the edging. For my Pi shawl’s bind off I’m *taking two stitches onto a crochet hook, Sc-ing them, then Sc10,* repeat from * to * for 256 times. It’s going to take a good long while, and a good amount of yarn. I hope I have enough, if not I’ll grab something else I guess. It is a scrap shawl after all.

Next I want to cast on Daybreak. Not only because the model is very good looking, but because I have some red/pink Aracania that is calling to have a matching skein of brown to be bought and knit up into this. I’m also apparently really into shawlettes that I can wear as scarves. Or, you know… 50 million miles of stockinette in the round.

-Cheers folks!

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